Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bar None

When it comes to the home bar, what's your style? Do you prefer to keep your stash hidden in the pantry, or do you display it proudly for all to see?

What about your stemware? Is it shoved into the cabinet with the rest of your glasses, or does it have its own home?

Maybe you prefer hanging storage?

In case you didn't get the hints, I'm thinking about putting a small bar area up in our kitchen/dining room. Nothing over the top, but maybe some cool shelves for hanging glasses and a cabinet for keeping liqour and other things for entertaining. What about you guys? Do any of you have a bar set up at your house?


amy with GoodDay said...

We have a oak mission-style piece that was originally built by my dad for us as a TV stand. It's too deep for a flat panel TV, but is a beautiful piece of furniture, so we re-purposed it as a bar. The cupboard that used to hold the TV components now holds bottles, shakers and glassware and the drawer that used to hold remotes is perfect for party picks, stirrers, and cocktail napkins. It's nice to have a specific place to keep all of those items, since, as you know, the vast majority of my kitchen storage is for dishes--not for food. I have a real problem :D

Rachael said...

That sounds like a great piece! I'm having trouble placing it in your house...I'll take a better look next time! I'm considering some wall shelves with the slots that hold the glasses up side down because we don't really have much room for something large. Hmmmm...

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